Monday – 22/01/2024 | Madinah to Johannesburg

It is always difficult to leave the City of Peace, the City of our Prophet ﷺ, Al Madinah Al Munawwarah. You always leave wishing you had read more durood, paid greater attention in salaah, regretting that you didn’t read enough Qur’aan. You always leave wishing you had just done more. But that is what was written for us and we make dua that it is written again so we may do even more the next time we are blessed with an invite.

After a half an hour bus ride, we reached Madinah airport, offloaded our luggage from the bus and unloaded it onto trolleys. It was time to wrap our bags and buy Zam Zam and then check in for our flight.

Next thing we knew, we were at passport control looking for our gate for Jeddah. We waited for a bit and bought some coffee and pastries from Tim Horton’s and then boarded our flight.

One and a half hours later, we landed in Jeddah. We didn’t have much time before our next flight so we all just bought some food from the food court. I had to have one last Big Baik.

We then made our way to the boarding gate and got onto the flight that would bring our journey to an end and take us home.

They gave us qahwa and rutab which was lovely. The lunch on the plane was an option between pasta, chicken or beef. I had the pasta which was decent and came with chocolate mousse which was delicious.

The plan for me was to not sleep since I had work tomorrow but after pulling an all nighter, I took a three hour nap (I’m so thankful that the flight was empty and we all got three seats each again). I woke up to the flight attendant giving stone oven baked pizza which was 10/10. It came with a patchi chocolate (heart eyes!) and a muffin.

I spent the rest of the flight talking to the fam and writing blog posts and then before we knew it, we we getting ready to land.

We caught a little bit of the sunset in the air and wow, it was so golden. When we touched down the sky was still in pretty colours.

We got off the plane, went through passport control, waited for all of our bags and went through customs. Unfortunately, our Zam Zam didn’t make the flight but they told us to arrange to have it picked up from the next flight.

We walked out of arrivals and the rest of our family was waiting for us and just like that, we were home.

Step count: 18 666

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